Those three came in the reverse order this weekend.
It started with the PC playing up. First the browser shutting itself down, and then the computer randomly switching itself off. It's been doing it for a couple of weeks, driving me nuts. I've scanned it, updated things, sworn at it and pleaded with it. Finally I decided to do a whole system recovery and see if that helped. Except I can't find the system discs. So I gave the tower to my father-in-law to play around with. He's done something with the power unit, cleaned all the dust (and pet hair, more than likely, that stuff gets everywhere) and now it's working. Hurrah!
But whilst I was offline - and bored - me and dh decided to repaint the living room. It's a rented house and the living room was already adorned with cornice, an artex ceiling and a dado rail. I can't be fagged changing it. So when we're bored of the colour scheme we have, we just pick two more colours and repaint. Last time we had an light orangey brown on the top, and a cocoey pink brown on the bottom. Now the top is a light mushroomy beige and the bottom (due to the fact I'd picked out a shade almost identical to what we already had and so simply added lots of white to the tin) is now a very light pinky brown.
It's not fantastic, but it's cleaner and fresher. I'm not much of a nest builder, we didn't have the money, paint or energy to really make the room look fabulous. But it certainly looks better.
Lastly, poetry... my friend Nickie suggested I submit something to the guys over at Pygmy Giant to see if they liked it. So I eventually sent them a couple of poems. Turns out they actually did quite like them and here's the first. I'm quite chuffed about that.
So all in all, as weekends go, not bad!
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